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•   Fernando Osorio (Osorio) (1996)  10/19
•   Jamie McCabe (1993)  10/14
•   Richard Gabaldon (Gabaldon) (1982)  10/14
•   John JoJo (1979)  9/27
•   Zoey Wells (2017)  9/27
•   Maddison Whitman (2014)  9/27
•   Krista Mein (2000)  9/26
•   John Konieczny, II (2010)  9/25
•   Matthew Martin (2009)  9/25
•   Jonnie Jones (2022)  9/25
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•   Edward Esposito (1957)  2024
•   Harry Roberts (1979)  2024
•   Lisa Bensinger (1985)  2024
•   David Plew (1987) 
•   Timothy Kilian (1977)  2024
•   John Glogowski (1974)  2024
•   Tom Grigg (1972)  2024
•   Mark Cunningham  2024
•   Joan Gilbert (Bruno) (1953) 
•   Warren Hopson (1954)  2024
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•   Sheri Granato (1980)  10/21
•   Samantha Kowalewski (2011)  10/21
•   Deborah Madsen (Saffan) (1972)  10/21
•   Robert Walion (1974)  10/21
•   Mary Donovan (Kidd) (1965)  10/23
•   Thomas Mosca (1964)  10/23
•   Sheri Turton (Cassidy) (1991)  10/23
•   Mary Jo Consuelo (Johnson) (1960)  10/24
•   Casey Cook (Manuszewski) (1997)  10/24
•   Marlene Johnston (1970)  10/24
•   Cathleen Delaney (Cook) (1969)  10/25
•   Michael Iannacone (1994)  10/25
•   Tony Marinucci (1976)  10/25
•   Patricia Salerno (1972)  10/25
•   Janet Scully (Sisson) (1974)  10/25
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

5 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
9 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
21 live in California
7 live in Colorado
8 live in Connecticut
3 live in Delaware
87 live in Florida
9 live in Georgia
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
2 live in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
5 live in Louisiana
6 live in Maine
5 live in Maryland
22 live in Massachusetts
6 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
4 live in Missouri
2 live in Nevada
8 live in New Hampshire
5 live in New Jersey
3 live in New Mexico
895 live in New York
29 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
7 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
7 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in Rhode Island
15 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
9 live in Tennessee
14 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
5 live in Vermont
14 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
2 live in British Columbia
1 lives in Ontario
2 live in Afghanistan
1 lives in Czech Republic
1 lives in Italy
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Philippines
1 lives in Poland
1 lives in Serbia
1 lives in United Kingdom
8,866 location unknown
845 are deceased


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Welcome to the updated Watervliet New York Classes of 1930 – 2024 Homepage. This site was started on January 15, 2011, and has been visited well over 195,000 times by alumni, staff and teachers. It is intended to provide a safe digital platform for members to connect with each other. 

Using the “Member Functions” on the Homepage menu bar, members have access to all registered users in all classes. We continue to add users and ask that you assist us by inviting fellow classmates to join. 

We have also made a concerted effort to update our “In Memoriam” page to acknowledge the passing of many of our alumni, teachers and staff.  Your assistance with this information would be greatly appreciated.  

As we continue to update our information, we are pleased to work cooperatively with the Watervliet Historical Society and Museum.  We recognize the historical significance of the information that is contained on the site and the living time capsule it provides. ( 

Join Us

To join you only need to find your name in the “Class Lists” section on this Homepage. Assuming the information that you give appears valid you will be approved by the website administration.  This will allow you to develop a profile and give you access to the website.  We urge you to utilize the website to contact your alumni friends.  It would be helpful if you included your email address in your personal profile. 

Sponsor Your Alumni Website

We are now inviting both businesses and individual alumni to help sponsor and fund the WHS Alumni Website. Approved sponsors will be acknowledged in a separate section on this Homepage. If you are interested in sponsoring and helping fund our Alumni Website, please click on the “Sponsor Our Site” option in the menu bar on the left.

Contact Us 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have with the website.   We sincerely hope you enjoy the WHS Alumni Website and use it to share upcoming events, contact alumni friends, and to stay in touch with the WHS community.  Help it to grow by sharing it with others.  

Please feel free to contact any of the following website administrators for further assistance:  

Bob Christiansen: 

Richard Erdoes:

Angie Ferrannini Nielsen: 

Richard Holmes: 

Paul O'Connell: 

Tony Schilling: